Meet UK Growth Coach

Who are UK Growth Coach?

UK Growth Coach is a business coach franchise. Our team includes a network of coaches who provide business advisory and development services to the owners of SME companies across the UK. 

We have a unique model and framework that is based on years of coaching experience with a vast array of industries.

Our coaches and business coach franchisees have worked with businesses at all different stages of development.

Something that sets us apart is that all of our coaches are, or previously, have been business owners, as well as being coaches!

Our coaches are driven by a genuine passion for seeing other SME business owners succeed, which is just one reason our Founder and Franchisor is listed as one of the Brainz 500 Global game-changers!

We are a member of the British Franchise Association. Our BFA Emerging Membership means that we’ve satisfied the BFA’s key criteria around viability, transferability, disclosure and ethical practices. 

BFA Emerging Membership Logo
Brainz 500 Global Tim Rylatt badge

Our Purpose

​​At UK Growth Coach our purpose is to…

  • Simplify the business of business for company owners in order to close the gap between their ‘potential’ and ‘real world performance’

  • Be the positive catalyst that drives meaningful personal change, business growth, and life results.

The outcome of our efforts will be…

  • Fewer company failures and more business successes.

  • Greater enjoyment and happiness for the owners, their teams, their clients, and others they influence.

What we do really matters and has the potential to
help huge numbers of people and society as a whole.
Silhouette team business - business coach franchise analogy

Vision for UK Growth Coach's
business coach franchise

The vision for our franchise business is to:

  • Build a franchise network of over 100 partners working across the UK

  • Positively impacting the performance and results of more than 2,000 business owners and their companies every week!

  • Create a sale-able asset within 10 years.

Sounds like a business coach franchise you want to be a part of?

Our Service Values

There are 5 promises all of our coaches make to our clients, and we make them to you too as a business coach franchisee:

Icon Core Value 1

Educate To Unlock
Your Potential

We will help you learn and apply new business skills, as well as provide relevant tools, connections and advice to compliment your own expertise.

Icon Core Value 2

Provide Accountability
To Perform

We will help keep you honest with your own commitments. Our job is to ensure that you focus and deliver on what you say you will.

Icon Core Value 3

Support And
Lift Up

When you hit the glass ceilings or emotional walls, we will help you push on through.

Icon Core Value 4

Speak The
Necessary Truth

We will not sugar coat or dance around the important issues, if there is something you need to know, we will tell you clearly.

Icon Core Value 5

Emotionally Invest
In Your Success

Your success will be a reflection of our own. We will genuinely care for your progression and achievement.

Educate To Unlock
Your Potential

We will help you learn and apply new business skills, as well as provide relevant tools, connections and advice to compliment your own expertise.

Icon Core Value 2

Provide Accountability
To Perform

We will help keep you honest with your own commitments. Our job is to ensure that you focus and deliver on what you say you will.

Icon Core Value 3

Support And
Lift Up

When you hit the glass ceilings or emotional walls, we will help you push on through.

Icon Core Value 4

Speak The
Necessary Truth

We will not sugar coat or dance around the important issues, if there is something you need to know, we will tell you clearly.

Icon Core Value 5

Emotionally Invest In
Your Success

Your success will be a reflection of our own. We will genuinely care for your progression and achievement.

Client Testimonial

What's it like to work with
UK Growth Coach?

A client's perspective

Growth Star

The Coaching Star: unique and proven model for business coaching

From years of experience as both an independent business coach to SMEs and previously a franchisee in a large multi-national coaching company, our founder has developed bespoke coaching frameworks, models and tools to match the needs of small businesses.

One of our coaches’ main models with clients is called The Coaching Star.

We train all of our business coach franchisees in the framework to give them a solid foundation and structure to work within, as it is flexible enough to handle any business type and most situations.

In summary, the Coaching Star covers ten areas of business that are vital to success.

If any of these areas are neglected or under-served, they cause trip-ups, delays, and headaches. By working within this 10-point Coaching Star framework, our coaches help business owners to remove the barriers to progress and empower them to realise their potential.

The 3 graduation levels

Level 1 - Basics

The first step moves a business from inconsistency and potentially problematic to being basically functional in all areas.

Level 2 - Growth

The second step advances the business from purely functional onwards to solid growth and with the ability to be scaled up.

Level 3 - Independence

The third step is taking an already successful business and progressing it further by enabling it to become independently capable (i.e. not requiring or relying upon the owner’s input – unless they still want to be, of course!)

There is a fourth step that goes beyond this model and which our coaches can also help with. This is where we help business owners prepare their business for sale or succession. It is not within the coaching star model as the factors for growing business valuation are different, and we have a totally separate model and service for helping with that!

A business coach franchise with us is the simplest and quickest way of achieving!

Developing your own models and frameworks for a consistent, quality and understandable approach to coaching takes time and investment.

Couple this with your own branding, marketing and sales, and you have an expensive and non-proven route to market and business on your hands.

But if you franchise, all that headache goes away!

You want to set up your own coaching business for all the same reasons any business owner does, to make more money, achieve a better work-life balance, and gain control over your future.

A client goes to a coach to accelerate their progress by accessing the experience and knowledge available. By doing so, they reduce the levels of trial and error required and increase their likelihood of success.

This is also precisely what our business coach franchise offers you as a prospective coaching business owner.